Privacy Policy

Consent to Information Collection and Use

By using Prycoons’ services and website, you agree to the collection, storage, use, transfer, and distribution of your personal information as provided by you. This information helps facilitate and enhance the services we offer.

  1. Information Collection, Storage, and Usage
  • User-Supplied Information: We collect details like your name, gender, age, contact information, occupation, and interests during registration or interaction. Information from social media accounts may also be used for service enhancement.
  • Voluntary Information: Additional information may be gathered from your feedback, surveys, or direct communications with us.
  • Automated Data Collection: Cookies, log files, and clear GIFs are used to track user behaviour and preferences. These tools help personalise and improve your experience on our site.
  • Third-Party Sources: We may incorporate external data with your profile to provide targeted services and promotions.
  1. Purpose of Data Collection

The information collected is used to:

  • Personalize services to match your preferences.
  • Maintain engagement and provide updates on real estate news and insights.
  • Connect you with real estate professionals for transactions and inquiries.
  1. Information Sharing and Disclosure
  • Your data may be shared within Prycoons’ group for operational purposes and with third parties for legal compliance or service improvement.
  • Aggregated statistics may be provided to advertisers without disclosing personal identities.
  • Specific user information is shared with Real Estate Professionals for facilitating direct contact and service provision.
  1. Data Security and User Rights
  • Prycoons employs significant measures to protect your data against unauthorized access or misuse.
  • Users can access, update, or correct their personal information as necessary.
  1. Policy Changes and Communication
  • The Privacy Policy may be updated to reflect changes in technology, legal requirements, or our services. Users will be notified of significant changes through our website or via email.
  1. Third-Party Links and User Responsibilities
  • Users are responsible for the accuracy and security of their account information. Prycoons is not responsible for data misuse on external websites linked to our platform.
  1. Grievance Redressal
  • Users with concerns about data use, processing, or disclosure can contact our Grievance Officer via the provided contact details on our website.

Acknowledgement and Acceptance

By using Prycoons, you acknowledge and accept the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy, which is subject to periodic review and update to ensure alignment with our service practices and legal requirements.

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